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KOZADOSTUPA is a continuation of the GOATHOTSPOT project, invented by a group of young artists APXIV for the first Altai Biennale of Contemporary Art (2020), taking place in the Uimon Steppe. Having received an invitation to participate in the APXIV Biennale, we were concerned about the availability of wireless Internet, a modern commodity of the first necessity, in this reserved place. The result of their research was a speculative "startup" presented at the Biennale: APXIV proposed an "innovative" idea of ​​using Altai goats as new "useful animals" (Alexander Pshera) to create an extensive wi-fi network in this area, "LTE without GMOs."


Danya Orlovsky

Anastasia Soboleva

Olga Klimovitskaya

Ya Nzi

Sofia Ovchinnikova

Lika Gomiashvili

Anna Tagantseva-Kobzeva

Vladimir Savostin

Ilona Vladovskaya

Katya Granova

Nikita Kaem

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